Psychedelic Porn Crumpets – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds – 21/02/19

The crowd was packed in at the Brudenell Social Club for the second show on their UK/USA tour for the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets (8). The Australian psychedelic/melodic rock exports came out to Gurzle, off High Visceral Part 2 their 2017 album. The youths were out tonight a circle pit immediately opened up and by the third song Social Candy someone had already been kicked out for launching onto the stage.
Vocalist and guitarist Jack McEwan doesn’t talk much between songs but the band clearly their to concentrate on music had very little smoke and mirrors for their show, a west coast eagles sticker on their gear representing their hometown AFL team of Perth, the boys are far from the 40 degrees summers of home hear in The North.

The boys played a roaring set to a sold out crowd, and the long hairs boys and short haired girls constant thrashing around a circle pit was proof they had a cult following here. There is never a moment throughout the night where someone wasn’t launching themselves into an adolescent filled circle pit, youths sure are wild. We were also treated to what seems like a new song latter in the set the band is tipped to release new material later this year.
Finally finishing up with their arguably most popular single Cornflake, before ending the night with Nek. The boys graciously thanked the crowd and left behind a mass of sweaty punters.
Yes the name Psychedelic Porn Crumpets will grab you, but these boys are powerhouses in the Australian music scene and their quick return to the UK for another tour this year shows that worldwide there are very much fortifying their place in psych rock and its resurgence.

Check out the full set of photos from this show here!
Review & Photography: Amy Heycock